
Learn to Crochet

Maria Klein is offering to teach those interested in learning to Crochet down at the City of Kyle library. She will be there at the library when the crochet/knitting group meets, if you are interested. I saw this on a thread on Nextdoor and thought it would be good to share here.

Please take a few minutes and look at the other groups that exist and meet weekly or monthly. You can look at the schedule on the City of Kyle website for more information.

Happy Easter and Bluebonnets

We hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter weekend.

The bluebonnets are out in full force. There are several very large patches over by the hospital that are good for taking pictures. As usual, please be careful when walking through the bluebonnets looking for that perfect patch to take pictures in. This is the time of year that rattle snakes start moving around and the tall bluebonnets provide a good mix of high cover and sparse ground areas for snakes to easily move around underneath.

We are not trying to scare you, but please be careful looking for that perfect patch of bluebonnets to take your family pictures.
