This is a reminder that the City of Kyle has a
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on fireworks popped off or launched within the city limits. Based on city ordinance, it is against the law to discharge or use fireworks in Kyle.
(This does not apply to the city's fireworks show, which is properly permitted and uses a professional pyrotechnics firm to launch the display.) We have included a copy of the City's fireworks ordinance in our
Knowledge Base section and can be found
here. The City of Kyle has also posted
this on their website.
Kyle Police Department will continue its enforcement of the ordinance against fireworks. Please call the non-emergency number, 512-268-3232, to report any activity related to the illegal discharge or use of fireworks inside city limits. If it's a true emergency, never hesitate to call 911.
The City of Kyle has started posting signs at the entrances of subdivisions to inform everyone about the
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. Claiming you did not know about the ordinance is not an excuse. Here is a picture of the sign at the entrances to our subdivision at Windy Hill Road and Dacy Lane.
Please have a safe and happy Independence Day holiday.